Soul Saving Center is a church that goes beyond the four walls with the gospel. It's a place where you will grow, learn & live the life God planned for you.
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Go Tell It On The Mountain! And everywhere in Salem!
Saturday, December 5, 2015
God's Truth Cuts Through Everything!

Thursday, November 19, 2015
It's All Because He Loves Us!
Saturday, November 14, 2015
"There is something in you that you do better than those around you...That's God's gift to you!"
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Saturday, October 31, 2015

Mandy: "What is it?"
Catching up to her, "It's just something to read about God. My name is Mikki, Just wondering....Do know about Jesus?"
Mandy, "I grew up in church."
Me: "You did? So you know about Jesus loving you and dying on the cross for our sins? And what's you're name?"
Mandy, "Mandy, And, Yes. I know."
Me: "Well what happened? Why don't you go to church anymore?"
Mandy, "It's a long story, a lot happened to me."
Me: "And you lost your faith in God?"
Mandy: "Yeah I did."
Me: "When I was 6 years old Mandy, a family friend molested me. I grew up feeling like something was wrong with me. I was affected by what was done to me in so many ways. It wasn't until I was 50 years old that God took the pain of the abuse, helped me to forgive, and set me free from it all. I can't tell you why God let this happen to me, but He delivered me and set me free!"
Mandy: "My father molested me all of my life."
Me: "Oh Mandy, I'm sorry....I can't explain why God allowed this to happen to you but I can explain why the devil used your father and that man to abuse us as children...."
I explained God's Love and the devil's hatred for us....I talked to Mandy about the chains on her life as a result. I invited her to church....
Me: "Where were you on your way to? I will walk with you."
Mandy: "I was on my way to a drug dealer's house to get my money for my rent."
Me: "Mandy, Jesus can set you free from all of this. This is not the life God wants you to have. He really loves you and just like He saved me, He will save you. You still have faith because the Bible says God gave us all a measure of faith....Would you come to church tomorrow?"
Mandy: "If my boyfriend let's me, I can come."
My heart broke in a thousand pieces as I tried not to cry in front of her.....
Me: "Mandy, can I pray for you right here, right now?"
Mandy: "Yes"
I prayed against everything....and I mean everything....from the drugs to the boyfriend to the pain of her childhood and her life....and sense of worthlessness......IN JESUS' NAME!
I walked with her a little ways and gave her a tract....
Leaving Mandy, I could hardly walk....I prayed for her in the Spirit and I had to quickly stop pleading with God for her and thank Him for sending me to her to give her HOPE. There were some guys up the street and I had to get my joy back so I could minister to them....and I did! Praise God!
If you were with me today....meeting Mandy would have broken your heart....
I walked away interceding in the Spirit for her....I believe God sent me to her....He's going to set her free!!! He's going to save her!
I need you to pray with me!
Thank you!

This morning before the sun came up, I was up hearing the command to ATTACK!!! I also woke up with the Scripture/Song "NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD OF HOST! THIS MOUNTAIN SHALL BE REMOVED!" I sang it all morning while preparing to go where the Lord said to go. I called my Sister Connie who is a mighty prayer warrior and we met between our homes in the dark.
God had instructed me to war against a business that is literally a hub for demonic activity and where New Age practices flourish. while walking there the words kept welling up in my spirit, ..."Not By Might..."
Connie and I got to the location and began to pray.....Looking through the window, we could see there were things hanging on the walls that the Lord had told me speak against before I got there and when I saw them on the wall, I was not surprised....God was giving me an advantage in this war.....the enemy's tactics were exposed! Crystals were everywhere and Connie and I wrestled against principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places....and when we felt the victory was ours we declared it out loud so every devil present could hear!
We continued walking but we knew we had left Angels warring and kicking demon's butts all over the place!!! Not by Might, Nor By Power, but By MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD OF HOST!
So why go up against this business?
Because simply put, the wickedness is allowed to move about freely as the people unbeknownst to them, are conjuring up more demonic forces that will join forces with the demons that are already here. The more activity and success this business has, the more influence the devil gains to his advantage as they engage more people to become interested in new age practices....even distracting and deceiving Christians with their "Holistic" approach to their well being....
But Peace and Love and Joy are all found through Jesus Christ....And any other means to achieve this is counterfeit and has originated in hell.
Please be aware that Jesus is so soon to come and the enemy has a strategical mindset that is in full effect because he knows his time is short here on earth.....All praise to JESUS who always causes us to triumph over the enemy because Connie and I obeyed the command to ATTACK!
But you know? When Connie and I walked there to pray this morning, there was no supernatural surge of power flowing through us....just faith in God that HE WILL FIGHT AND WIN!!! No mystical far out vibes going on....just believing what the Bible says about God fighting our battles!
Make no mistake....this is not personal as I stated....Connie and I are believing God to save the owner of the business...we know God loves them and Jesus paid an awful price on the cross for their Salvation.....But He also rose with all power in His hand and demons and dominions are under subjection to us who believe and know that there is power in the Blood of the Lamb!
Be very aware of what is taking place around you. Listen for the command to go to war and get prayed up...keep your spirits clean so that the Holy Spirit can intercede and move through you resulting in VICTORY!!
But thanks be unto God, who always leadeth us in triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest through us the savor of his knowledge in every place. 2 Cor. 2:14
In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. Colosians 2:15
.2 Corinthians 10: 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ
Saturday, October 24, 2015
One more chance to get it right....
I ventured down Union St and gave out tracts to more guys...younger guys and they all listened to me...they were respectful and the Lord had me lighten my approach....I gave them the Word and they gave me their time. I told them I was fighting for their souls which would live in eternity either in heaven or hell....I was there to fight for their place in heaven but it was up to them....Praise God.
Next I went to Olive St....some guys were hanging out and they all took tracts except for the Muslim....The Lord led me to bypass him this time.....but there will be a time when we will meet again. I got a chance to minister to a guy who had just come out of the Liquor store....he was ripe for the Word and let me pray for him right there on the streets....Praise God!
After I left him I went to the Motel and gave out tracts....I found myself crying in the car when I got back in....begging God to rescue the people I encountered.....I felt the heaviness of the world on them and I stormed heaven for them asking Him to go after each and every one....
I ministered to the guys on the corner telling them the devil was selling them a cheap bill of goods when Jesus has a life for them....full of every possibility....
God will win this war.....I just know He will....He loves these people so much!
Saturday, October 17, 2015

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them .
5For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus'sake.
6Seeing it is God, that said, Light shall shine out of darkness, who shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus' Name!
Saturday, September 26, 2015
"It's Time to Change What I'm Doing...."
Tonight as I was out talking to some people, I ran into a guy who attended a funeral service today of a dear friend who was like a sister to my sister and I. She and my sister hung out and partied hard before my sister gave her heart to Jesus and today my sister officiated her funeral service. My sister was full of love and the anointing to minister was all over her! Praise God! Most of the people there were not saved.
Jacci and I sang together and the people were blessed....the most important thing I got to do was to make an altar call at her funeral. I led them all in a prayer of repentance.
Union St: I see a group of guys hanging out and I stop....A guy standing there saw me and gave me a hug. He began to tell me how my sister and I really blew him away and he remembered the times I've seen him and I've talked to him and he said, "I'm gonna get right because it's time to get right! Man, I gotta come on in!" He said he knew my sister and she reminded him of our Dad. He knew my sister B/C and saw that she was for real up there in that pulpit today! What a testimony to the saving power of Jesus Christ!!!
Another young man was standing there and also hugged me and said in a whisper, "If you come and get me tomorrow I will come to church with you. And I don't go to church but I will go with you. You know you got Muslims here looking at you right?" I said loud enough for them to hear, "I'm just telling you about God's love for you! This love is real! This love can change you!"
"This love can heal you!" "I've seen it in countries where mostly everyone was Muslim!"
From one end of Union St to the other end, I ministered the love of Jesus to the guys who were hanging out.
I shared Jesus with some guys on Union and Magnolia Sts as I did the one guy on the corner of Broadway and Union....They burden my heart because I know what God wants to do in their lives....Healing is Here!!! Just Receive Jesus and Make Him LORD of your life!
OLIVE STREET was quiet when I went there! I just began to praise God! A few guys hanging out and I invited them to church...
.I felt better after I did what I was supposed to do in the streets....Now I can finish making my Mom's birthday dinner and Birthday Cake for tomorrow!
Monday, September 21, 2015
Even the demons believe and tremble!

He has a neighbor who goes to church and somehow he got his neighbor to have me come to his church. My relative also came and ever since he heard me sing, (Its been a while since he's heard me. (When Jacci and I were young, he tried to manage us, but my Mother kept him far from us.) He's been scheming in his head on how he can get me to go out and make millions "With That Voice of Yours" he says. I tell him that I'm right where I should be and I know what called me to do and he gets a little impatient because he feels I've wasted so much time and years and now is the time to do something. Everyday he calls telling me how awesome I was and how I should be "Out There"
When the Lord leads me, I will talk to him more directly about him saying he is an atheist because the Lord showed me that he has done such deplorable, despicable things and ruined some children's lives that the only way he can live with himself is to deny any accountability and that means denying God. But he is accountable and my father gave him the truth of the gospel many times and he knew my Dad before he gave his heart to Jesus!
Our family has been praying for him for years and now he wants to come to SSC with some friends of his so they can hear me sing...
What amazes me about this is that he may deny and not believe, but the very demons that are lying to him, controlling him and that are in possession of him understand why I am here in Salem...what God is doing in Salem through me and others....They understand the power of God and are always in their war room working on attacks....But God fights for us so they are defeated before they begin.
James 2:19
You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!
Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.

I walked and interceded in the spirit, walking past Olive St and thanking the Lord for the angels that are standing guard on the corner of Olive St and East Broadway....God is so Good!!! I carried some materials with me just in case I came across anyone who needed hope this morning. I gave them all out.
When I got to Broadway and Market in front of the court house there was a man standing there waiting for the Courthouse to open. He looked like the devil is just tearing him apart piece by piece. I struck up a conversation with him and then I gave him the good news of the gospel and a booklet 199 Promises of God. I presented the gospel to him in a way that was simple and clear. He followed me and knew Jesus is the Lord. His name is Lamont. Please pray for him. My heart goes out to this man who just needs one touch from Jesus!
I walked on one side of Broadway to the end and interceded all of the way. On the way back the Lord just had me quiet my spirit and walk. He was there assuring me that what I was doing was effective and that in the spirit realm, things are happening that I have no idea about, but they are happening and Jesus wins!!!
Praise God!!!
Saturday, September 19, 2015
God Is At Work!
Congratulations Salem Rams, and to my grandson, Zaire who plays on the team! Salem loves football and it's a great place to sit quietly and pray for the precious people who live in Salem.
Tonight I started on Union St.....I had a few conversations with some elderly heart really breaks for them because although we do not know when any of us will leave this earth, these men have been drinking for years and sitting around with all kinds of abandoned talents, abilities and forgotten dreams and goals as they just exist from day to day. They took Bibles from me and when I told them I was my Dad's daughter they said, "I'm gonna get over there! You're going to see me there soon." I thanked them for talking with me and continued on down the street.
There were some younger men sitting on a step and one gave me the coldest stare and said, "I'm alright." when I tried to give him the book He Did This Just For You. His look was so hard and cold that I could imagine that if someone who was not really sure about evangelizing in the streets, that cold stare would have sent them home. But God called me....there is no fear.
I told him "Well, I'm alright too and I need God and so do you!" He took the book...YES God deal with him through this book in Jesus' Name!!! His friend tried that too...but I just held the book out until he took it. I prayed that the words become life in their spirits.
I gave one young man a book and he opened it and began to read it immediately. He was very polite....sometimes the harvest is so ripe they just need someone to give them a little nudge towards God.
Olive Street Was Quiet!!! I went to Olive Street geared up praying in the Spirit, looking for a spiritual fight but it was quiet! I saw a few people and gave out booklets, 199 Promises of God. One guy saw me and immediately said, "You're gonna see me there in church. I'm gonna get there." I knew him so I responded, "I hope when you come they aren't carrying you in." He laughed, "Oh I will be there before then!" He knows he is gambling everyday with his soul, because I told him so.
I spoke to a woman who told me her story and I just felt love for her as she talked to me about her struggles. But she believes God is calling her back to him. I know He is, because people can't say that or come to Him unless He draws them. I Praise God!! He Is At Work!!
Overall God is at Work because Olive St was quiet for a Saturday night!
Prayer Works!!!
I praise God for his ministry. I'm right where I should be, doing just what He called me to do and if I said it one hundred times, I will say it one hundred and one...God Is At Work in Salem, and He Loves This Town!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2015
God told me to pray longer before I went in the streets.....
OLIVE STREET: There was a particular young man who when he would see me, he would quietly move away so I couldn't approach him. I had spoken to him before and told him that God wanted to do great things in his life. But tonight as I sat in my car, I focused on praying for him and the Lord told me that when I see him, to give him my card...and tell him that God has great things planned for him as I told him but he would hit a brick wall as the devil would try to destroy him before God rescues him. I told him to call me at anytime day or night and I would pray him out of the situation. God would send angels to fight for him. He said to me, "I will, and I won't forget what you said." I love that young man...God is going to deliver him!!!! I can't wait to blog about it when it happens!!!
I went across the street on EAST BROADWAY and saw a guy I graduated from high school with...he and I walked down the aisle together! He was so drunk, a guy was trying to hold him up and when I saw him I asked him what in the world was going on with him!!! He told me he remembered me, I reminded him that once I tried to share Jesus with him and he told me to get away from him. Well he was nice and sauced up and said, "Go ahead, tell me everything, I'm listening!" So I said, "In the Name Of Jesus Christ, You will remember everything I'm telling you!" And I gave him the gospel..he cried and nose running and cried some more....The guys on the corner with him saw him and I told them I graduated high school with him....and they refused to believe it! I also told them that when I tried to tell him about Jesus when he was sober, he was rude to me. They jumped on his case about that and they all listened to what I had to say. The guy that was trying to help the drunk said, "I can't be holding him up! I had a stroke two months ago!" I looked at him, "You did!?! Well I can't tell!!! Who brought you out of that stroke?" He said, "God did" I said, "Did you thank Him for it?" He said, "I did!" I told him, "You need to give your life to Jesus NOW!"
Our homeless "Tent" guy was drinking moonshine and fell and boy did he mess his face up!!! (I'm bringing him Neosporin tomorrow) Connie gave him a good loving talking to and so did I. He just smiles at all the love and attention he's getting. But when he said that God probably didn't care....I stopped and said, "You tell God you're sorry! Connie feeds you, I put a tent over your head and we're both trying to get you into rehab but you're not ready!!! So tell God you're sorry because He is showing you love and care all the time!" He raised his hands to heaven and said, "I'm sorry God and Jesus!" I love that guy!! :-)
I passed out some Bibles, women's 1 minute devotionals, and other things and prayed in the Spirit as I drove so I could cover more territory. I came across some young men who told me they were Muslim and couldn't accept the booklet, "He Did This Just For You" by Max Lucado. They were very polite in their refusal and so I said, "Can you take it just in case I'm right?" :-) They took the booklets! Praise God for that!!!
Pray for the one young man who refused a Bible, telling me he is Muslim and said he couldn't accept it. I told him I would pray for him and he said, "Please do that!" So please pray for this young man...He really needs Jesus. I see the devil is trying to kill that young man. So please pray for him. God knows who he is.
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Joshua 1:3
So just like my father would set foot on ground across from bars and go preach to the people there in front of the bars, and today they are gone, I went to my Mom's room and said, "Mommy we have to go to Olive St and Broadway and pray. She had her jammies on. She said, "Like this?" I gave her one of her lounging thingys and I called Connie Call Grepo. She said she would be praying and that's one praying warrior!
I drove over there and Mommy stayed in the car claiming victory in Jesus' name while I walked the territory laying hands on the houses and calling down demonic activity. I left praising God and when I left the angels were cleaning up the block!
After taking my Mom back home, I gathered some New Testaments and other materials and went for a prayerwalk. People I encountered were divine appointments. God had me minister to two guys that I went to high school with. One was really brilliant but has so far wasted his life. He listened as I told him that God gave him the gift of intelligence and the devil has been trying to destroy him ever since. His heart was ready to receive the gospel. The other one, not so much. The Scripture came to mind, "wipe the dust off my feet...." so I said what I had to say to the one whose heart was fertile soil and ignored the other one.
I saw a young woman who wears sweatshirts in the summer, smokes whenever she can convince someone to give her cigarette money and wanders the streets all day. I crossed over to her and prayed for her. My God is a strong Deliverer and I claim her life for Jesus!
After giving out all of the materials I saw two women with a display set up across the street. I couldn't read the posters they had up but they sat there and smiled at me as I crossed over to read the sign. Jehovah Witnesses..... I smiled back and walked away saying loud enough for the spirit realm to hear me:
And then I kept it moving.....
Please pray for Olive St and Broadway. They party on that block a lot and you can hardly get down the street.
" I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses. Joshua 1:3"
Friday, September 4, 2015
Recover what was taken from you!

I have been ministering to a lot of people in Salem but one homeless man in particular really broke my heart as he showed me the mosquito bites all over him as he slept on a back porch of an abandoned house. So I ordered a tent....Yes I did! I bought him a tent with the intention of putting it up on Soul Saving Center's property. In return, he has to come to church. He agreed.
My sister/friend in the ministry Connie Call Grepo who lives across the street from SSC has been feeding him and his buddy great lunches had an army cot from a time when she helped a homeless man who slept under the Salem Oak Tree in the cemetery...(She and I are cut from the same cloth! And her Dad and my Dad were great friends. He pastored Calvary Temple in Salem while we were growing up, and now look at us!)
While the tent was in the box, Connie felt led of the Lord to pray over it. Afterwards I put it up (I'm almost an expert from my days camping at the Jesus Festivals) and Connie washed the pillow case and sheet and comforter she had because she said there's nothing like getting in bed with clean bedding!
This man was so appreciative for what we did for him and we reminded him that God was looking out for him. He had one good nights rest and even slept in!
He was so happy...but last night someone took the tent! He went to go to bed and it was gone!!! So back to the abandoned porch he went to sleep!
Connie called this morning to tell me as she went to check on him....I went to the police station because it was said to Connie that the police had been called for something unrelated nearby...maybe they took it I go down there and the officer checked and said none of them removed it. I explained why it was there, he asked if I was my father's daughter....and then he proceeded to tell me how I was doing such a good thing and how it was fine that I put a tent up on Church property. And that he knew the guy we were helping and was glad we were helping him.
Connie and I prayed...rain was predicted today and we didn't want him out there with no shelter. The Plumbing/Heating guy was at SSC meeting me so we can get the heat ready for the winter and he said, let me look in the furnace room before I go.... On the steps on the way down was the tent, all bunched up!!! He said, "What's this!?" I yelled, "It's the tent!!!" I called for the guy but he had left to go get something to eat at a church that feeds people on Fridays. I had to praise God right there!
When the guy returned, he told me that tent was NOT there earlier!!! He looked everywhere around!! Look at God!!! So we put the tent back up. A few parts were missing but I managed to get it up and the cot and bedding were all still inside. What looked like a cigarette hole was in the floor of the tent, so I had him seal it up with tape. He promised he would never smoke in a tent. He knew better he said.
When you pray to recover what the devil has stolen, God hears! HE doesn't want us to be victims of the devil and we've got to believe that God will restore to us if we come to Him. I had the guy thank the Lord for giving him back the tent and he raised his hands and said, "Thank you God and Jesus!!!"
God is so amazing!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
It's Time To Say Yes To Jesus!

I began to tell her that the devil had her right where he wanted her, desperate and hopeless...But she couldn't be in a better place to experience the Life Changing Power of Jesus Christ if she would choose to accept Him as Lord and Savior. I explained that the programs she is looking into to help her cannot deal with the "Sin Problem" that lives inside of her. I explained that she had to come to Jesus believing with the faith that God has given each one of us and choose the truth! choose Jesus!
She cried while I talked to her about the power of God to change her life. His love for her and how the devil could not stop her from coming to Jesus. After lifting Jesus higher to her, I asked her if she would like to accept Jesus into her life....I told her, you have made choices that have led you here....Now choose Jesus and choose hope, choose life, choose peace...accept His Love and ask for forgiveness! I led her to the Lord as we prayed the sinners prayer and gave her the materials.....I prayed for her that God would show up big time in her life today. (You say a prayer too!)
I gave out a lot of Bibles today....and it only one person said he was Muslim, and didn't accept.
One guy who was sitting on the steps of my father's barbershop saw me coming towards him and said, "I don't want to hear nothing." I handed him a booklet, "He Did This Just For You" by Max Lucado....I smiled at him and said, "Is that what you plan on telling God after you die and you're standing face to face trembling?" He said "I, I, I...." I said, "That's what I thought...I'm just trying to save your life so you will have peace on that day." (Pray that Jesus destroys the yoke of bondage in his life.)
I get so mad at the devil for deceiving people who look like they've got one foot in the grave and one on a banana peel...and they think they are ok! Meanwhile one bad cold could take them out! The Bible is right to call him a thief! He destroys, steals and ultimately kills....but I'm determined that they won't go without hearing the gospel that will set them free!
Connie and I are getting one of the guys we minister to off the back porch and into a tent with a cot and pillow and sheets and blanket. He was so drunk today but he promised Connie he wouldn't drink anymore today....I hope he sobers up so he can learn to put this tent up and take it down. It's amazing how he sees me and he's so happy....there was a time when he would see me and start complaining as I would talk to him about a God that he thought could care less about him. Thank God that as Connie and I show him kindness, he sees that God really does love him. It's amazing to him! :-)
Jesus is coming real soon! Just look! The Signs are everywhere! And as wonderful as it is to celebrate Jesus with our peers and enjoy the love within our should not be our priority in comparison to the lost sheep outside of the fold....we shouldn't be able to rest if we aren't doing all we can to win souls! That's everyone's ministry, not just my calling, it's the Great Commission.
I'm studying the "Coming Kingdom of Christ" and it's putting within me an urgency to share the gospel. To pray that each Bible that I give out becomes life in their hands. In Jesus Name!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Soul Saving Center Street Journal 8/22/2015 Part 2
Carpenter Street: So much going on there....A lot of people needing Jesus....It broke my heart.
Tonight I got a chance to hold some babies and pray over their lives....the babies of young mothers....some were very childish themselves...even to the point where I walked away after feeling I couldn't get through to one of them.....But as I walked down the street, it was like I could see a score board....and the devil got an extra point....NO WAY!!! I turned around and went back. The one that was giving me the most resistance then came up with the story that she was Muslim. I told her I have been to countries where the majority of the people are Muslim. (She had no idea what or where Bosnia is)...I talked to her about what she supposedly believed in and how it cannot stand up to the truth that Jesus is the only one who can make sense out of her life...and I knew that she had a lot of fears....she quieted down and I asked her to let me pray for her....she said are you going to pray to Allah? I said, "No, I'm going to pray to the One who can set you Free, Jesus Christ!" Surprisingly enough she allowed me to pray for her....and I pulled down strongholds in her life in Jesus Name!
I walked up to a car where some young guys were listening to music.....I asked them if they were original Trax and they told me no but they were musicians! (Thank you Lord for that ice breaker!) We had a chat about music and their dreams and I told them a little about me and sang to them....they were very impressed....I invited them to church but I left them thinking about how much further they can go in life if they give their lives to Jesus!
I walked up on a big group of people and singled one out, talked to her and then asked if I could sing to her....I sang and the whole group listened....I then told them they just heard a whole sermon in song..."Jesus Is The Answer". I sang the whole song....that's a whole sermon!
Olive Street: I walked up on a confrontation between two guys....But the one who was the most angry was respectful when he saw me....(I've spoken to him before) I waited until it quieted down and most of the guys walked away to finish the intense conversation....but one guy stayed put. He was the one the Lord wanted me to minister to tonight.....and he listened intently and told me he wasn't always hanging out here...he had promise all over him...I could see something in him that told me that he needed to start reconsidering his lifestyle...because God has plans for this young man.....It was a great encounter!
Soul Saving Center Street Journal Part 1 8/22/2015
Well, it really started this week.... a dear friend and Sister in the Lord, (I'm just going to mention her name and if she objects, I will delete it) But Connie Call Grepo has been feeding the two gentlemen who lay under the tree on Soul Saving Center's property. She has been doing this for a few weeks now and has a burden to really help them. But the best part of all of this is that she is a mighty prayer warrior! She supports Soul Saving Center and she has been a great encouragement to me as I see her being used by God to show kindness and share the gospel with the type of people that many would bypass and turn up their noses! Go for Jesus and for the Kingdom of Heaven Connie!!!
Connie called me this morning (right after my blueberry pancakes) to let me know that one of the men we have been ministering to was hanging out at his usual spot. She had already spoken with him and so I went to talk to him as he hung out on Broadway. He said he has been offered a job! He couldn't believe it! He will be painting for a few weeks. I asked him if he could handle climbing ladders and staying sober...he said, "I don't drink when I work!" He was so happy! And after his job is finished, he wants to go into rehab.
I've been talking to so many agencies to get help for him this week....and it has been one referral number after another! No agency was available to just take him in....BUT...what I love about this whole thing, is that he felt that God really didn't care about him and I reminded him that he's been fed under a tree by Connie, I'm hooking him up with services and some other lady helped him get work! He's been so polite and not at all the cynical guy I first encountered in the streets.
I told him, "I told you Jesus Loves You!!!!" He answered, "I guess so..."
After talking to him I went to some guys down the street on Broadway having beer for breakfast. I've spoken to one of them before and the other told me how my Dad used to really talk to him about his soul. The other guy remembered my Dad picking him up along with the rest of the kids in the big blue bus. We talked about how they are still alive after all of the abuse they've done to their bodies and how people around them have gone on, but they are here. I asked each of them why did they think they were still here....Their answer made me smile!!! :-)
They realized that God was giving them time to come to him. The one guy told me how God was waiting for him.....and the other guy knew Bible verses and stories and I just looked at him and got mad at the devil for blinding him to the life he could be living accepting Jesus! (That just makes me dig in more when I'm sharing the gospel of Jesus!) The devil is a deceiver but Jesus is the Deliverer!
I told them how my Dad got saved in his car. They were shocked! They thought he got saved in church....At the end of our conversation they were telling each other in no uncertain terms that they were coming to church tomorrow and they looked at each other like...."You're coming with me!" I loved it and then prayed and put angels on guard to prevent the devil from putting any obstacles in their way.
Across the street there were some young men, one of whom told me he was the grandson of a pastor. I knew his grandfather, and he proceeded to tell me (with hazy eyes early in the morning) that what I was explaining to him ,he was 3 or 4 steps ahead of me....I responded that knowing about Jesus and living for the devil is like not knowing about Jesus at all....there are parts of your life that you allow the devil to control...and so he has full control....It's all Jesus or all the part time Salvation. I love the young men that I meet on the streets....all they need is Jesus!
Next I met our precious young lady who gave her heart to the Lord at church a few weeks ago. She still comes to church and she is so blessed.....Pray that she is able to move forward in her life and that I can help her get her credentials in order so that she can have a better life....a part from the system.....Pray that her faith in God stays strong so that God can do exceedingly abundantly above all she could ever ask or think! In Jesus Name!
Going back out in the streets this early evening! God is at Work in Salem, NJ
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Friday, August 7, 2015
Soul Saving Center Street Journal 8/7/2015

One thing I realize is that when people are being eaten alive by their lifestyle and the devil has them in bondage....they may believe what they will, but the truth of the gospel always outshines whatever systematic belief is at work in them.....Know why? Because it's not working! There is no light in them, they are in a dungeon of sin, prisoners....I can see darkness in them. But all they need is to believe the truth...and the truth will set them free.
One man I encountered tonight has been in Salem since I was a little girl, most from Salem would recognize him if I stated his "that" life and making babies...I remember girls fighting over him....tonight as I met him on Broadway he had a cane....he had his bottle in his hand and looked 3 times older than his age. I stopped him and said, "Aren't you _____?" He said "Yes" I asked him if he remembered me...he said he did....and I asked him how many times had my father talked to him about his life....he replied many times. And so I felt led of the Lord to just let him have it right between the eyes. I lit into him with the smiles, no ice breakers just the truth of where he was in life and what was ahead for him if he didn't give his life to Jesus. There was an urgency and a pleading with him to examine his life and face the fact that if he checks out....he's wasted his life and his reward is eternal damnation. He responded, I know....I know....So I left him with a warning....Time is winding up for him.
I walked a bit and came across some young women sitting on a porch. A few of them knew me and one young girl was very dear to my heart when I used to substitute teach in the schools when I would be home from the road. Her mother is in the hospital and so I asked her if I could pray for her mother....well all of the young ladies wanted in on the we stood and held hands and I prayed. Afterwards one of them said, "I know I need to be saved!" Immediately I got so excited! I began to tell her she could not come to Jesus unless He was drawing her and He is definitely drawing her! I invited her to give Jesus her heart right there. She said she already asked Him into her heart...but now what? The Lord gave me what to say to her and she understood that she cannot change herself....this is not a 12 step program...Jesus said "If any man be in Christ, He is a new creature....behold all things are passed away and all things have become new....I broke it down so she could understand and invited them all to church....they asked me to I sang "Yes Jesus Loves Me." The Lord had instructed me to sing that song when I was asked to sing....I understood why afterwards. He was reinforcing His love tonight.
I walked further and coming towards me was a man who was using a walker....I recognized him as my mother told me how he used to really love Jesus at one point in his life and he left Jesus and now he was not well mentally. I began to rebuke the devil and ask God to hold them back so I could give him the Word. He smiled as I talked to him about returning to Jesus...that Jesus has never left him....and as I talked to him quietly, he smiled, nodded and said, "I will be there Sunday." I thanked God for giving him clarity to think and process what I was telling him.
Finally I encountered two young men from the Kensington section of Philly....who now live in Salem... I've shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with them before so when they saw me...they just hugged me....and began telling me their life story all over again....I interrupted them and reminded them that Jesus can fix all of their drama! And they've got major drama! I love those young men....all they need is Jesus. Two young ladies walked by and they stopped them and started talking to them about going to church at Soul Saving Center and believing in Jesus. I just listened to them repeat what I said to them to the girls.....I pray
that Jesus saves them because they are bold and they can talk!
I invited many people in the streets to church tonight....but I also dealt with some demonic forces that were no match for the angels that were with me.
I'm grateful for all that God is doing....for my friend that the Lord is using to minister to the 2 men under the tree....they will be the Glory of God!
I just know it!!!
Saturday, August 1, 2015
...But God sent me to pull you in the other direction!
Tonight the streets were flooded with young people.....hanging out because the temperature cooled down. It was a good night to share Jesus and invite them to church. Some saw me and asked for a song...."O Happy Day" The guys shooting craps stopped to listen. And tonight there was absolutely NO resistance to the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I kept it short but so many of them have seen me in the streets I just remind them that the devil is pulling you downward to death, but God sent me to pull you in the other direction! To Life more abundantly!
The girls are the most resistant on any night but tonight they too listened when I reminded them that they have God given gifts and abilities....But they will never realize them until they give their lives to Jesus! They were all hanging out sitting on a church on Walnut St and someone from the church drove up in their van. He looked at me like he didn't understand why I was doing what I was doing....Hopefully he will encourage his church to minister to the young people that congregate in that area. The harvest is right there! That would be awesome!
The older men....they break my heart. A guy who knew me back in High School happened to see me sitting with the two guys under the tree on Soul Saving Center's Property. He said, "I knew you were giving them the Word." and he himself was so drunk he could barely get it the words out. I was more blunt with him and other's his age who I have spoken to over and over again about their lives....and not only me.....My Father also talked to them about their souls....Tonight I was a reminder that God isn't letting up on them....they still have breath so they still have hope.
Tonight the message was to remind them that God is pulling them in another direction because He Loves Them! I must have said that 100 times tonight.
Oh How He Loves You and Me!
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
It Really Is All Worked Out! Seriously!
I'm sitting here at Temple Hospital waiting for my Son's appointment and reading about David, on the run from King Saul.
God anointed David as King and Saul knew his days were numbered. Yet he sought to kill David even though he knew God was with David and the handwriting was clearly on the wall...
Just what did Saul think the outcome would be? He even tried to get help from a witch.... Desparate Man.... SMH
David had a destiny and hiding in caves, sparing Saul's life twice because of the anointing Saul had on his life.... All of this was a true test of character for David...
Thinking back on David's legacy and all He went through, I'm encouraged that God is with me. That this mantle of my father's is real! That God has big plans for Salem, NJ and Soul Saving Center is to play a vital role in God's plan. So I'm so grateful and confident that I'm in the right place and time in my own personal life. God knows who I need and in what capacity I need them.... He's already at work on them. The future of SSC is in place as God is preparing the next leader even now....
These are exciting times! That's why I'm comfortable with small beginnings. I mean, David went from living in caves, being a man of war to a King over a promised Nation... I didn't read one where he wondered if he was really supposed to be King.... He just followed the path and God s with him every step, defeating enemies and keep David safe.... He will do the same for me.
Exceedingly Abundantly above all we could ever ask or think! Selah
Thursday, July 16, 2015
JULY 16, 2015
"Oh it is Jesus, Yes it is's Jesus in my soul...For I have touched the hem of His garment, and His blood has made me whole!"

I just came in from preaching in the streets Union Street in Salem to be exact. And I can still feel the anointing all over me! There we...
Tonight while returning home, I missed my street and I drove passed Soul Saving Center. There sitting on the wall in front of the church ...
SOUL SAVING CENTER STREET JOURNAL JULY 16, 2015 "Oh it is Jesus, Yes it is's Jesus...