This morning before the sun came up, I was up hearing the command to ATTACK!!! I also woke up with the Scripture/Song "NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD OF HOST! THIS MOUNTAIN SHALL BE REMOVED!" I sang it all morning while preparing to go where the Lord said to go. I called my Sister Connie who is a mighty prayer warrior and we met between our homes in the dark.
God had instructed me to war against a business that is literally a hub for demonic activity and where New Age practices flourish. while walking there the words kept welling up in my spirit, ..."Not By Might..."
Connie and I got to the location and began to pray.....Looking through the window, we could see there were things hanging on the walls that the Lord had told me speak against before I got there and when I saw them on the wall, I was not surprised....God was giving me an advantage in this war.....the enemy's tactics were exposed! Crystals were everywhere and Connie and I wrestled against principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places....and when we felt the victory was ours we declared it out loud so every devil present could hear!
We continued walking but we knew we had left Angels warring and kicking demon's butts all over the place!!! Not by Might, Nor By Power, but By MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD OF HOST!
So why go up against this business?
Because simply put, the wickedness is allowed to move about freely as the people unbeknownst to them, are conjuring up more demonic forces that will join forces with the demons that are already here. The more activity and success this business has, the more influence the devil gains to his advantage as they engage more people to become interested in new age practices....even distracting and deceiving Christians with their "Holistic" approach to their well being....
But Peace and Love and Joy are all found through Jesus Christ....And any other means to achieve this is counterfeit and has originated in hell.
Please be aware that Jesus is so soon to come and the enemy has a strategical mindset that is in full effect because he knows his time is short here on earth.....All praise to JESUS who always causes us to triumph over the enemy because Connie and I obeyed the command to ATTACK!
But you know? When Connie and I walked there to pray this morning, there was no supernatural surge of power flowing through us....just faith in God that HE WILL FIGHT AND WIN!!! No mystical far out vibes going on....just believing what the Bible says about God fighting our battles!
Make no mistake....this is not personal as I stated....Connie and I are believing God to save the owner of the business...we know God loves them and Jesus paid an awful price on the cross for their Salvation.....But He also rose with all power in His hand and demons and dominions are under subjection to us who believe and know that there is power in the Blood of the Lamb!
Be very aware of what is taking place around you. Listen for the command to go to war and get prayed up...keep your spirits clean so that the Holy Spirit can intercede and move through you resulting in VICTORY!!
But thanks be unto God, who always leadeth us in triumph in Christ, and maketh manifest through us the savor of his knowledge in every place. 2 Cor. 2:14
In this way, he disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities. He shamed them publicly by his victory over them on the cross. Colosians 2:15
.2 Corinthians 10: 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ
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