In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn upon them .
5For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus'sake.
6Seeing it is God, that said, Light shall shine out of darkness, who shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Today as I walked down Broadway on my way to the East Side Projects, I passed some young guys, one of which said, "Cousin Mikki!?!?!" I still don't know who he was, but I didn't let him know that.....I hugged him and talked to him about my son Irvin Christopher and shared with him the miracle that God did. He said he was following on Facebook and knew it was very serious....God got the glory as I shared the miracle working power of Jesus to heal! (I shared Chris's story several times in the streets today, it made the devil so mad cause he tried to kill my son!)
I gave him and his friends Bibles, I told them that there is life in those pages....as I always pray that God brings to life the Words and that God show them the way out as His Word is a Lamp unto our feet!
I met a guy who told me he was from Penns Grove, NJ...I asked him if he knew my Dad, Rev. Irvin Hinmon? He said, "Yes! Rest His Soul....Soul Saving Center in PennsGrove!! I lived down the street from there I went to Soul Saving Center all the time!" I told him that I was my Dad's daughter and that Soul Saving Center was down the street here in Salem. He began to repeat, "Soul Saving Center....over and over again and began to cry." He said, "I have this pint in my hand and you are telling me about God...." He cried and I hugged him. His sad yellow eyes looked like he really needed the light of the Lord to invade the darkness inside of him. I shared the gospel with him and I reminded him so much of my Dad all he could do was cry. I'm praying for him....I invited him to Soul Saving Center....the church of his youth.
I saw a woman who was sitting on the steps of an abandoned building. I've shared the gospel with her before and put her name on my War Room Wall. As I sat down next to her on the steps and talked to her, she cried....I again told her how much Jesus loves her but the devil was blinding her to the truth. I gave her the gospel hard because she's living a life that is hard.....and as she admitted to me, "It's not working."
I handed out some Bibles and other Outreach materials at the Projects and saw a 10 year old girl "running things" in the projects! She was intimidating her friends and just being a bully! I targeted her and asked her to come to church with me tomorrow....I told her I would pick her up. I know if she gives her heart to Jesus, she can be a serious mouthpiece for Jesus! I've been talking to her mother and her family about the Lord and we are going to help them out at Christmas. Her mother has 6 children and works at McDonalds. I'm praying for her family.....They are always in my heart and in my prayers.
I witnessed to a man leaving the liquor store....in his motorized riding chair....He needed to know about Jesus....time is running out for him!
I walked past Olive St.....No one was there! PRAISE GOD! Angels on Guard Duty!!!
The Lord told me to walk to the Motor Lodge and I did....but when I got there no one was there....I prayed, "Lord, I know you told me to come here....so I will wait" Soon after a young man came up and was going into the Motor Lodge. I shared the gospel with him thoroughly! I hit him hard with the truth of the gospel and gave him a Bible. I figured he was my target and so I was going to give him everything I could to shine the light of the gospel on his heart. He listened intently and thanked me for talking to him....
God knows why...God knows who....God knows what.....
I'm not preaching about myself....I'm shedding the light of this glorious gospel in the dark places....
Jesus Is Coming Soon! The people I interacted with today were chosen by God...And so I pray that each person that I shared Jesus with will come to know Him as Lord and Savior of their lives....
In Jesus' Name!
In Jesus' Name!
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