This is the River Una....I would walk by here everyday in Bihac, Bosnia and everyday the same drunk would say, "Hey Mikki!" (Everyone seemed to know me...I think because I sang there on TV 2 years ago) Why wasn't I more aggressive with him...he hung here everyday...unemployed and drunk...about in his 30's.....Should I have followed the disciples example of boldy confronting the spirits in the man, I did tell him that Jesus Loved him and he told me that he was Muslim....I knew that! I asked him could I pray with him, he smiled and said, "it's okay Mikki" I prayed for him anyway....Still praying....
The Lord is impressing upon me that I have to examine myself everyday!!! It's the only way to stay acutely aware of my shortcomings, my "little white sins" that will send me to hell just as fast as the big ones, and everything else that would set itself up against the knowledge of God...I have to be clean to enter the throne room just as the priest of the Old Testament! I cannot enter the Holy of Holies with sin in my camp!

I've got people to intercede for! Their souls are at stake! I've got a ministry that I know God wants to use me in ways that are beyond music! I've got to stay clean....and so I examine myself!
Going to Bosnia to minister, build relationships, pray and give of myself was easy for me....trusting God to back me up was a challenge at times. I'm thinking of the woman I encountered in the park in Bihac. I went up to her to ask her if I could pray for any needs that she had and she told me in sign language of sorts that she was in a hurry. I couldn't speak Bosnian, she couldn't speak English, but she was also deaf....I asked the Lord to touch her and heal her before we left as a sign to the people there that He is Lord...He is the One that heals! He is Jesus!....Believe In Him!
I remember the pangs of "What if He doesn't?" and I still kick myself today because I should have been more bold....I should have had more faith! shoulda woulda coulda...and now I'm back home....but I'm keeping her face in my head...I'm praying for her that the Lord heals her hearing and that she knows it's Jesus who heals!
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