He has a neighbor who goes to church and somehow he got his neighbor to have me come to his church. My relative also came and ever since he heard me sing, (Its been a while since he's heard me. (When Jacci and I were young, he tried to manage us, but my Mother kept him far from us.) He's been scheming in his head on how he can get me to go out and make millions "With That Voice of Yours" he says. I tell him that I'm right where I should be and I know what called me to do and he gets a little impatient because he feels I've wasted so much time and years and now is the time to do something. Everyday he calls telling me how awesome I was and how I should be "Out There"
When the Lord leads me, I will talk to him more directly about him saying he is an atheist because the Lord showed me that he has done such deplorable, despicable things and ruined some children's lives that the only way he can live with himself is to deny any accountability and that means denying God. But he is accountable and my father gave him the truth of the gospel many times and he knew my Dad before he gave his heart to Jesus!
Our family has been praying for him for years and now he wants to come to SSC with some friends of his so they can hear me sing...
What amazes me about this is that he may deny and not believe, but the very demons that are lying to him, controlling him and that are in possession of him understand why I am here in Salem...what God is doing in Salem through me and others....They understand the power of God and are always in their war room working on attacks....But God fights for us so they are defeated before they begin.
James 2:19
You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble!
Psalm 14:1
The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
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