I have been ministering to a lot of people in Salem but one homeless man in particular really broke my heart as he showed me the mosquito bites all over him as he slept on a back porch of an abandoned house. So I ordered a tent....Yes I did! I bought him a tent with the intention of putting it up on Soul Saving Center's property. In return, he has to come to church. He agreed.
My sister/friend in the ministry Connie Call Grepo who lives across the street from SSC has been feeding him and his buddy great lunches had an army cot from a time when she helped a homeless man who slept under the Salem Oak Tree in the cemetery...(She and I are cut from the same cloth! And her Dad and my Dad were great friends. He pastored Calvary Temple in Salem while we were growing up, and now look at us!)
While the tent was in the box, Connie felt led of the Lord to pray over it. Afterwards I put it up (I'm almost an expert from my days camping at the Jesus Festivals) and Connie washed the pillow case and sheet and comforter she had because she said there's nothing like getting in bed with clean bedding!
This man was so appreciative for what we did for him and we reminded him that God was looking out for him. He had one good nights rest and even slept in!
He was so happy...but last night someone took the tent! He went to go to bed and it was gone!!! So back to the abandoned porch he went to sleep!
Connie called this morning to tell me as she went to check on him....I went to the police station because it was said to Connie that the police had been called for something unrelated nearby...maybe they took it down...so I go down there and the officer checked and said none of them removed it. I explained why it was there, he asked if I was my father's daughter....and then he proceeded to tell me how I was doing such a good thing and how it was fine that I put a tent up on Church property. And that he knew the guy we were helping and was glad we were helping him.
Connie and I prayed...rain was predicted today and we didn't want him out there with no shelter. The Plumbing/Heating guy was at SSC meeting me so we can get the heat ready for the winter and he said, let me look in the furnace room before I go.... On the steps on the way down was the tent, all bunched up!!! He said, "What's this!?" I yelled, "It's the tent!!!" I called for the guy but he had left to go get something to eat at a church that feeds people on Fridays. I had to praise God right there!
When the guy returned, he told me that tent was NOT there earlier!!! He looked everywhere around!! Look at God!!! So we put the tent back up. A few parts were missing but I managed to get it up and the cot and bedding were all still inside. What looked like a cigarette hole was in the floor of the tent, so I had him seal it up with tape. He promised he would never smoke in a tent. He knew better he said.
When you pray to recover what the devil has stolen, God hears! HE doesn't want us to be victims of the devil and we've got to believe that God will restore to us if we come to Him. I had the guy thank the Lord for giving him back the tent and he raised his hands and said, "Thank you God and Jesus!!!"
God is so amazing!!!
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