I have so much to journal about, Jesus is so very soon to come and He's revealing His truth as we share the gospel. As far away as this world is drifting from God, God is causing people to stop! listen! and think! That's what happened in the streets tonight!
First of all I went to Anderson Drive and saw some older guys hanging out in the back. I told them that Jesus was coming soon and asked them were they ready, they all said, yes! I asked them if they've asked Jesus to come into their lives as Lord and Savior....of course they answered, "Everyday, I ask Him." So I shared the gospel....they wanted to know what denomination I was, and I told them, "When you stand before God, He's not going to ask you if you were Baptist, Methodist or Seven Day Adventist, He's going to want to know if You accepted His Son Jesus Christ into your hearts. Have you been redeemed by the blood that Jesus shed on the cross for you....And when I finished I asked again, "Have you accepted Jesus in your heart?" They weren't so quick to answer this time and I left them with this thought...."The day you hear my voice, harden not your heart." I said, "When you start thinking about your mortality, when you feel like you need to make a real change...that's God pulling at your heart....respond to Jesus by accepting Him.....I told them who I was and they knew my Dad....they understood why I spoke to them as I did and I appreciated their receptiveness to the Word....They listened! God is at work!
I then went to the home of the family that some of my wonderful friends blessed during Thanksgiving and checked in. The mother gave me a hug when I handed her the gift that Seeds of Greatness gave me for her family. She was busy preparing for her eldest son's birthday. She thanked me for everything I have done and I told her that it was a joint effort from people who care. I asked about Thanksgiving and she said it was really really nice! I told her that Christmas is covered too! I pray God invades their lives and changes the course of everything!!!
Walking down Broadway, I ran into a high school classmate....he and the guy that I bought a tent for and my friend Connie fed were wasted...still I gave them the gospel and the tent guy was like, "I'm listening, I'm not saying anything back, cause I know she's right." (We've come a long ways from the summer when he used to almost dare God to make himself real because as far as he could tell, God could care less about him!) Anywayz....My classmate started telling me how he was responsible for making it through the time in the military, and basically taking credit for being alive! I asked him could I pray for him and he said yes....I went to war against every demon within a 100 mile radius! I knew who the enemy was and I attacked hell. God will make Himself known to this foolish man....because I asked Him to...He loves him no matter how stupid he talks.
I went to the Motel and gave out tracts as I did the whole time I was walking....I encountered several groups of young teens and shared the gospel with them.
I spent the rest of my time talking to Muslims on Olive St. One of the guys asked me about Christ, so I ended up sharing Chris's story...my son's story has reached many people. Even the Muslims who knew did not dispute me when I said, Jesus healed Chris! I gave them a full detailed story about how God told me to rebuke death when the doctor said he was going to die....they listened intently. God made them listen...I could tell the Holy Spirit was gripping them with the truth that this is not just a story! This really happened!!!! This God I'm talking about Is Real! This Jesus Christ that I pray in His name really heals! The story is REAL! IT Is The TRUTH and it is something that cannot be denied.
At the end the two who really knew Chris hugged me and one said, "I may not stay for the entire church service but I will come to church and get a hug..." I answered, "And a song?" "Yes, and a song!"
I came home praising my Savior because I am armed with truth and love!
This gospel is the Truth! Jesus is coming so soon, I share this because I love them, God loves them!
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