Saturday, February 24, 2018

Daddy, Your Work Is Still Going On!

Soul Saving Center's soldiers have been handing out door hangers everywhere!  Very creative places! :-)  Great Work Family!
The Post Office!  Neighborhoods and in the hands of people!  

Today I went out after an awesome intensive training on christian community development with CCDA.  It was beyond amazing and we will implement what we have learned today because the training was of God because He Loves Salem!...but I digress....

I put door hangers out all over East Side, Olive St and Union St.....but it was East Broadway that I want to focus on....
On the way back from East Side I was going home to get more door hangers and on East Broadway I saw a huge crowd of people, about 40 or more.  There was a decorated Marine there so I gathered it was for him.
I decided to drop by and give out the door hangers....I  prayed because they looked like they were having a good time and didn't want to be interrupted by some woman with something in her hands.  That was the thought the devil tried to plant in my hard head!  So I prayed and walked up to the first group of people.
I handed one out and she yelled out "Soul Saving Center! Mr. Irvin would pick us up on the bus and take us to Penns Grove to church!  That was everybody's church!  Thank you so much!"  I told them who I was and by then they were reminiscing about Soul Saving Center so loudly that everyone in that group took a door hanger!!!  EVERY SINGLE ONE!  
I thanked the Marine for his service and went to the truck with tears in my eyes....

"Daddy, Your Work Is Still Going On!"
No matter how high people were today, they took them.....some remembered my Dad and were so receptive today!

I came back and shared with my Mom and she said, "I'm not surprised Mikki, Your Dad didn't want to see anyone go to hell so he worked fervently for Jesus!"

March 3, 2018 Daddy will be in heaven for 3 years....but guess what....
God is still using what my Daddy did to soften the hearts of people to receive the gospel...even in the form of a door hanger!

Thank you Daddy,
Thank you Jesus!

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