Last week I was in Massachusetts singing at Northpoint Bible College but wonderful ladies from Fight for Families Fellowship came to Salem, NJ from Delaware walking the streets and won 2 people to the Lord. Hallelujah!!!!
I'm going to start with the last thing that happened in the streets tonight. I walk up to a residence and handed out 2 Christian hip hop CDz and explained a little about why I was there and invited them to church...the older man sitting there became extremely disrespectful and I could tell it was coming from the demonic influence over him. I politely ended my invitation and walked away rebuking the devil....and then I heard this verse in my spirit Loud and Clear: "The wicked flee though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion" Proverbs 28:1
Well I turned myself around and walked back up into that yard and said to him while pointing at him, "I've got a song for you!" He said, "Well sing it then." I have never sung "Break Every Chain" like that before! The Holy Spirit was singing through me! It was powerful! God shut him down! When I finished he was trying to tell me how good I could sing and I wouldn't let him. I began to speak into his life, the scriptures were spouting out of my mouth so fast that I could have no way thought of them all in such rapid succession!
God did not want the devil in him to intimidate me!
I learned a serious lesson tonight!
If "He has taught my hands to war and my fingers to do battle" Psalms 144:1 if the armor of God does not have any rear protection....then I am not to retreat ever! The devil is to retreat!
I covered other areas of Salem where I got some hugs and promises to go to church. I prayed for some babies and shared the gospel and God made His love real to the people I encountered tonight. Even those who were high or intoxicated were receptive to the gospel.
#Godisonpatrolfortheirsouls. #GodlovesSalemNJ
Soul Saving Center is a church that goes beyond the four walls with the gospel. It's a place where you will grow, learn & live the life God planned for you.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Friday, September 12, 2014
Tonight God gave me a gift that was beyond anything I could have ever imagined! I was accompanied by some powerfully passionate women from Fight For Families Fellowship and Evangelist Dorothy White! Tonight I wasn't by myself!
We swept through the streets of Salem and prayed with people, cried, sang to them and spoke into their lives!
I have always felt inspired after doing outreach in the streets of Salem, but I got to see what it will look like when the Lord sends others to do warfare in the heavenlies right beside me! It's a beautiful Thing! To God Be All The Glory!!!! I know God moved mightily tonight!
Olive St: The biggest prayer circle I've ever had happened tonight! And it was mostly men! Ready to be harvested for the kingdom!
Walnut St: One of the young women who walked with me tonight has a powerful testimony and did she ever get busy for Jesus! They listened to her!
I spoke into a young man's life who was clearly high, but God gave me words to say to him that only God knew and he sobered up quick and hugged me....this young man always told me he was Muslim, but tonight God had me get in his face and speak to that place that he hides from all of his friends. Pray for this young man because God is going to save him and use him to draw others!
Union St: The largest group of children were blessed, prayed over, and their families too!
I cannot express my deep appreciation to all of the ladies! We made a powerful team as you passed out "Jesus Loves You" bracelets to everyone!
Lord I praise you for all you are doing!!!! — in Salem, NJ.
Tonight God gave me a gift that was beyond anything I could have ever imagined! I was accompanied by some powerfully passionate women from Fight For Families Fellowship and Evangelist Dorothy White! Tonight I wasn't by myself!
We swept through the streets of Salem and prayed with people, cried, sang to them and spoke into their lives!
I have always felt inspired after doing outreach in the streets of Salem, but I got to see what it will look like when the Lord sends others to do warfare in the heavenlies right beside me! It's a beautiful Thing! To God Be All The Glory!!!! I know God moved mightily tonight!
Olive St: The biggest prayer circle I've ever had happened tonight! And it was mostly men! Ready to be harvested for the kingdom!
Walnut St: One of the young women who walked with me tonight has a powerful testimony and did she ever get busy for Jesus! They listened to her!
I spoke into a young man's life who was clearly high, but God gave me words to say to him that only God knew and he sobered up quick and hugged me....this young man always told me he was Muslim, but tonight God had me get in his face and speak to that place that he hides from all of his friends. Pray for this young man because God is going to save him and use him to draw others!
Union St: The largest group of children were blessed, prayed over, and their families too!
I cannot express my deep appreciation to all of the ladies! We made a powerful team as you passed out "Jesus Loves You" bracelets to everyone!
Lord I praise you for all you are doing!!!! — in Salem, NJ.
Saturday, August 30, 2014
The Holy Spirit is a Teacher and the Word of God is alive and working in the hearts of men and women. I have to stay on my knees and in the Word. There is serious accountability to God on my part.
7th St and Hubel Ave: Passed out Invitation cards to come to church and shared a short message of the gospel. Someone told me they heard about church last Sunday. They ...were very receptive to the gospel. I praise God!
Walnut St: The young girl with the face that troubled my heart was sitting and wouldn't accept an invitation card because she said I gave her one last week. I told her I was hoping to see her, and that I have been praying for her. Her friends said she needed prayer badly! Last week, different friends said the same thing....After a short talk, she smiled at me and I complimented her on her smile....She said she would be coming to church in the year 1314....I told her that she would be a live and in hell in that year if she doesn't accept Jesus.
Union St: A group of young men....about 8 or 9 were sitting around and I gave them invitations to church. One had heard me sing in the streets and asked me to sing...He wanted to Hear "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" And they recorded me as I said....They kept saying
"This is Real" I said, "I could never tell you about the Power of Jesus to set you free, if He didn't set me free!" They too were receptive to the gospel.
Magnolia St: The good ole Horse Shoe Tournament where the drinking is the highpoint right after the Horse Shoe game itself. I got a hug from a Wino who remembered I prayed for him. I hurt for those people so badly....drinking their lives away and lost....I know God is waiting to heal their lives...Pray that they accept Him NOW.
Carpenter St: A huge crowd of guys...some Muslim and some remembered me. I invited them to church and one of the guys said, I'm Muslim but I told people to come! I invited him again....
Broadway: The Motor Lodge....that place hurts my spirit....I passed out invitations to church and I shared the gospel briefly with some of the young people.
I met a woman I had witnessed to a while back. I grew up with her and she knows the gospel but you would never know it looking at her. I approached her again and she said she was going through so much right now. Her husband is dying. She's in need of Salvation badly and allowed me to pray with her in the street.
I saw another Wino who I keep running into...I told him that he is running out of time and He needs to come to Jesus now....there is a reason he keeps seeing me. I think I scared him sober because he hugged me and said he was coming to church This Sunday.
This is the work the Lord called me to....please pray for this town....I am writing this with tears as I remember the faces...the lost faces with the glassy eyes....My God IS Mighty to Save! And He Will!!!!
The Holy Spirit is a Teacher and the Word of God is alive and working in the hearts of men and women. I have to stay on my knees and in the Word. There is serious accountability to God on my part.
7th St and Hubel Ave: Passed out Invitation cards to come to church and shared a short message of the gospel. Someone told me they heard about church last Sunday. They ...were very receptive to the gospel. I praise God!
Walnut St: The young girl with the face that troubled my heart was sitting and wouldn't accept an invitation card because she said I gave her one last week. I told her I was hoping to see her, and that I have been praying for her. Her friends said she needed prayer badly! Last week, different friends said the same thing....After a short talk, she smiled at me and I complimented her on her smile....She said she would be coming to church in the year 1314....I told her that she would be a live and in hell in that year if she doesn't accept Jesus.
Union St: A group of young men....about 8 or 9 were sitting around and I gave them invitations to church. One had heard me sing in the streets and asked me to sing...He wanted to Hear "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" And they recorded me as I said....They kept saying
"This is Real" I said, "I could never tell you about the Power of Jesus to set you free, if He didn't set me free!" They too were receptive to the gospel.
Magnolia St: The good ole Horse Shoe Tournament where the drinking is the highpoint right after the Horse Shoe game itself. I got a hug from a Wino who remembered I prayed for him. I hurt for those people so badly....drinking their lives away and lost....I know God is waiting to heal their lives...Pray that they accept Him NOW.
Carpenter St: A huge crowd of guys...some Muslim and some remembered me. I invited them to church and one of the guys said, I'm Muslim but I told people to come! I invited him again....
Broadway: The Motor Lodge....that place hurts my spirit....I passed out invitations to church and I shared the gospel briefly with some of the young people.
I met a woman I had witnessed to a while back. I grew up with her and she knows the gospel but you would never know it looking at her. I approached her again and she said she was going through so much right now. Her husband is dying. She's in need of Salvation badly and allowed me to pray with her in the street.
I saw another Wino who I keep running into...I told him that he is running out of time and He needs to come to Jesus now....there is a reason he keeps seeing me. I think I scared him sober because he hugged me and said he was coming to church This Sunday.
This is the work the Lord called me to....please pray for this town....I am writing this with tears as I remember the faces...the lost faces with the glassy eyes....My God IS Mighty to Save! And He Will!!!!

The Holy Spirit is a Teacher and the Word of God is alive and working in the hearts of men and women. I have to stay on my knees and in the Word. There is serious accountability to God on my part.
7th St and Hubel Ave: Passed out Invitation cards to come to church and shared a short message of the gospel. Someone told me they heard about church last Sunday. They were very receptive to the gospel. I praise God!...
Walnut St: The young girl with the face that troubled my heart was sitting and wouldn't accept an invitation card because she said I gave her one last week. I told her I was hoping to see her, and that I have been praying for her. Her friends said she needed prayer badly! Last week, different friends said the same thing....After a short talk, she smiled at me and I complimented her on her smile....She said she would be coming to church in the year 1314....I told her that she would be a live and in hell in that year if she doesn't accept Jesus.
Union St: A group of young men....about 8 or 9 were sitting around and I gave them invitations to church. One had heard me sing in the streets and asked me to sing...He wanted to Hear "His Eye Is On The Sparrow" And they recorded me as I said....They kept saying
"This is Real" I said, "I could never tell you about the Power of Jesus to set you free, if He didn't set me free!" They too were receptive to the gospel.
Magnolia St: The good ole Horse Shoe Tournament where the drinking is the highpoint right after the Horse Shoe game itself. I got a hug from a Wino who remembered I prayed for him. I hurt for those people so badly....drinking their lives away and lost....I know God is waiting to heal their lives...Pray that they accept Him NOW.
Carpenter St: A huge crowd of guys...some Muslim and some remembered me. I invited them to church and one of the guys said, I'm Muslim but I told people to come! I invited him again....
Broadway: The Motor Lodge....that place hurts my spirit....I passed out invitations to church and I shared the gospel briefly with some of the young people.
I met a woman I had witnessed to a while back. I grew up with her and she knows the gospel but you would never know it looking at her. I approached her again and she said she was going through so much right now. Her husband is dying. She's in need of Salvation badly and allowed me to pray with her in the street.
I saw another Wino who I keep running into...I told him that he is running out of time and He needs to come to Jesus now....there is a reason he keeps seeing me. I think I scared him sober because he hugged me and said he was coming to church This Sunday.
This is the work the Lord called me to....please pray for this town....I am writing this with tears as I remember the faces...the lost faces with the glassy eyes....My God IS Mighty to Save! And He Will!!!!
"This is Real" I said, "I could never tell you about the Power of Jesus to set you free, if He didn't set me free!" They too were receptive to the gospel.
Magnolia St: The good ole Horse Shoe Tournament where the drinking is the highpoint right after the Horse Shoe game itself. I got a hug from a Wino who remembered I prayed for him. I hurt for those people so badly....drinking their lives away and lost....I know God is waiting to heal their lives...Pray that they accept Him NOW.
Carpenter St: A huge crowd of guys...some Muslim and some remembered me. I invited them to church and one of the guys said, I'm Muslim but I told people to come! I invited him again....
Broadway: The Motor Lodge....that place hurts my spirit....I passed out invitations to church and I shared the gospel briefly with some of the young people.
I met a woman I had witnessed to a while back. I grew up with her and she knows the gospel but you would never know it looking at her. I approached her again and she said she was going through so much right now. Her husband is dying. She's in need of Salvation badly and allowed me to pray with her in the street.
I saw another Wino who I keep running into...I told him that he is running out of time and He needs to come to Jesus now....there is a reason he keeps seeing me. I think I scared him sober because he hugged me and said he was coming to church This Sunday.
This is the work the Lord called me to....please pray for this town....I am writing this with tears as I remember the faces...the lost faces with the glassy eyes....My God IS Mighty to Save! And He Will!!!!
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Soul Saving Center Street Journal, August 15, 2014

August 15, 2014
There are So many things to be thankful for! As God continues to answer prayer, it was with a heart full of faith and joy that I went to work in the Vineyard in Salem, NJ tonight.
Hubel Ave: A family that I grew up with was having a BBQ for a family member's birthday. One friend there shared how my dad saved her life from a horrible mistake. My dad comes up a lot in the street. My Hero....We hugged and there was one of the sisters whose alcoholism is slowly killing her. I rebuked the demon of alcohol from her life in Jesus' mighty name! Sang and ministered to the family.
I met some kids on the playground. Shared Jesus with them and gave them each a YOLO tract. One of them asked if we could pray for their families and their all 11 of us held hands in the playground as I first lead them to Jesus and then we prayed for protection for every family represented there. It was beautiful!
7th St: Spoke with a group of guys who listened intently and respectfully as I sang, preached and prayed for them....they accepted YOLO tracts and some knew who I was....they thanked me for sharing God's love with them. Smiling and one guy telling me they knew I was for real cause they felt it. What they felt was God ministering to their hearts!
Walnut St: A group of young teenage girls one pushing a baby in a stroller. I began to share Jesus with them, some laughed and walked away. I sang for them, they were giggling and looking at each other....I began to give them the Word in a sobering manner....I spoke to them about decisions they could make that could wreck their lives and how God has awesome plans for them. I talked to them about how music opened doors for me. Half of them remained but this happens....The ones who remained were ready for the gospel.....I could see it in their responses. They were beautiful young ladies and my heart is filled with love for them. I just wanted to hug them all. I will visit them again. I continued to see them every where after I left them, just roaming the streets.
Further down the street, on porch sat 4 young men....very hardcore looking young guys. They let me know they were Muslims. I told them about my time in Bosnia where the majority of the people were Muslim and I have friends there today. I asked them to turn down their music because I wanted to sing for them...they did and after I sang, they clapped for me. I gave them YOLO tracts and one guy thanked me and said he liked what I said to the young girls, he was listening. I told them before I left that they didn't have to live in fear....that God's perfect Love casts out all fear....the young men fear getting's a reality in Salem lately.
East Broadway: in front of the liquor store I gave out YOLO tracts and shared the gospel. Met a guy who was a backslider...I told him that the devil was lying to him....he should come back to Jesus now! Today is the day of salvation! He said he knew....and I knew he knew.
Union St: sang to one young man....and shared the gospel....when I left him, he was smiling.
Olive St: Ministering on Olive St was like meeting up with people I knew from the past. It was so good to see them. We hugged, I visited, ministered in the Word and in song....passed out YOLO tracts and they were so receptive!
Even the ones in their cars heard the Word. One young man recorded me as I sang and said, "I'm gonna spread this on the internet!" I told him he could have let me put on some make up first! JK! It was a blessing!
Sinnickson St: Sang to some small children, Yes Jesus loves me!" Their mother's were open to the gospel.
The Horse Shoe Game: talked about Reggie White and how he supported Soul Saving Center's ministry, Eagles football.....shared the gospel and sang and gave out more YOLO tracts. One of the players recognized me and stopped playing and ran over and hugged me! It took me a few seconds, but I remembered him. We grew up in the same church until my Dad was called out in the ministry. He said he was coming to church!
Everyone was invited to church August 24th l 11 AM. I'm preparing to begin Cleaning the church....clearing the cobwebs and polishing Soul Saving Center up for service!
So many said they were coming....and I will stay in the streets even after Soul Saving Center re-opens.
This week: Gotta order more tracts and make flyers announcing service at Soul Saving Center!
And clean Soul Saving Center!
Please Pray for this Outreach Ministry!
There are So many things to be thankful for! As God continues to answer prayer, it was with a heart full of faith and joy that I went to work in the Vineyard in Salem, NJ tonight.
Hubel Ave: A family that I grew up with was having a BBQ for a family member's birthday. One friend there shared how my dad saved her life from a horrible mistake. My dad comes up a lot in the street. My Hero....We hugged and there was one of the sisters whose alcoholism is slowly killing her. I rebuked the demon of alcohol from her life in Jesus' mighty name! Sang and ministered to the family.
I met some kids on the playground. Shared Jesus with them and gave them each a YOLO tract. One of them asked if we could pray for their families and their all 11 of us held hands in the playground as I first lead them to Jesus and then we prayed for protection for every family represented there. It was beautiful!
7th St: Spoke with a group of guys who listened intently and respectfully as I sang, preached and prayed for them....they accepted YOLO tracts and some knew who I was....they thanked me for sharing God's love with them. Smiling and one guy telling me they knew I was for real cause they felt it. What they felt was God ministering to their hearts!
Walnut St: A group of young teenage girls one pushing a baby in a stroller. I began to share Jesus with them, some laughed and walked away. I sang for them, they were giggling and looking at each other....I began to give them the Word in a sobering manner....I spoke to them about decisions they could make that could wreck their lives and how God has awesome plans for them. I talked to them about how music opened doors for me. Half of them remained but this happens....The ones who remained were ready for the gospel.....I could see it in their responses. They were beautiful young ladies and my heart is filled with love for them. I just wanted to hug them all. I will visit them again. I continued to see them every where after I left them, just roaming the streets.
Further down the street, on porch sat 4 young men....very hardcore looking young guys. They let me know they were Muslims. I told them about my time in Bosnia where the majority of the people were Muslim and I have friends there today. I asked them to turn down their music because I wanted to sing for them...they did and after I sang, they clapped for me. I gave them YOLO tracts and one guy thanked me and said he liked what I said to the young girls, he was listening. I told them before I left that they didn't have to live in fear....that God's perfect Love casts out all fear....the young men fear getting's a reality in Salem lately.
East Broadway: in front of the liquor store I gave out YOLO tracts and shared the gospel. Met a guy who was a backslider...I told him that the devil was lying to him....he should come back to Jesus now! Today is the day of salvation! He said he knew....and I knew he knew.
Union St: sang to one young man....and shared the gospel....when I left him, he was smiling.
Olive St: Ministering on Olive St was like meeting up with people I knew from the past. It was so good to see them. We hugged, I visited, ministered in the Word and in song....passed out YOLO tracts and they were so receptive!
Even the ones in their cars heard the Word. One young man recorded me as I sang and said, "I'm gonna spread this on the internet!" I told him he could have let me put on some make up first! JK! It was a blessing!
Sinnickson St: Sang to some small children, Yes Jesus loves me!" Their mother's were open to the gospel.
The Horse Shoe Game: talked about Reggie White and how he supported Soul Saving Center's ministry, Eagles football.....shared the gospel and sang and gave out more YOLO tracts. One of the players recognized me and stopped playing and ran over and hugged me! It took me a few seconds, but I remembered him. We grew up in the same church until my Dad was called out in the ministry. He said he was coming to church!
Everyone was invited to church August 24th l 11 AM. I'm preparing to begin Cleaning the church....clearing the cobwebs and polishing Soul Saving Center up for service!
So many said they were coming....and I will stay in the streets even after Soul Saving Center re-opens.
This week: Gotta order more tracts and make flyers announcing service at Soul Saving Center!
And clean Soul Saving Center!
Please Pray for this Outreach Ministry!
August 15, 2014
There are So many things to be thankful for! As God continues to answer prayer, it was with a heart full of faith and joy that I went to work in the Vineyard in Salem, NJ tonight.
Hubel Ave: A family that I grew up with was having a BBQ for a family member's birthday. One friend there shared how my dad saved her life from a horrible mistake. My dad comes up a lot in the street. My Hero....We hugged and there was one of the sisters whose alcoholism is slowly killing her. I rebuked the demon of alcohol from her life in Jesus' mighty name! Sang and ministered to the family.
I met some kids on the playground. Shared Jesus with them and gave them each a YOLO tract. One of them asked if we could pray for their families and their all 11 of us held hands in the playground as I first lead them to Jesus and then we prayed for protection for every family represented there. It was beautiful!
7th St: Spoke with a group of guys who listened intently and respectfully as I sang, preached and prayed for them....they accepted YOLO tracts and some knew who I was....they thanked me for sharing God's love with them. Smiling and one guy telling me they knew I was for real cause they felt it. What they felt was God ministering to their hearts!
Walnut St: A group of young teenage girls one pushing a baby in a stroller. I began to share Jesus with them, some laughed and walked away. I sang for them, they were giggling and looking at each other....I began to give them the Word in a sobering manner....I spoke to them about decisions they could make that could wreck their lives and how God has awesome plans for them. I talked to them about how music opened doors for me. Half of them remained but this happens....The ones who remained were ready for the gospel.....I could see it in their responses. They were beautiful young ladies and my heart is filled with love for them. I just wanted to hug them all. I will visit them again. I continued to see them every where after I left them, just roaming the streets.
Further down the street, on porch sat 4 young men....very hardcore looking young guys. They let me know they were Muslims. I told them about my time in Bosnia where the majority of the people were Muslim and I have friends there today. I asked them to turn down their music because I wanted to sing for them...they did and after I sang, they clapped for me. I gave them YOLO tracts and one guy thanked me and said he liked what I said to the young girls, he was listening. I told them before I left that they didn't have to live in fear....that God's perfect Love casts out all fear....the young men fear getting's a reality in Salem lately.
East Broadway: in front of the liquor store I gave out YOLO tracts and shared the gospel. Met a guy who was a backslider...I told him that the devil was lying to him....he should come back to Jesus now! Today is the day of salvation! He said he knew....and I knew he knew.
Union St: sang to one young man....and shared the gospel....when I left him, he was smiling.
Olive St: Ministering on Olive St was like meeting up with people I knew from the past. It was so good to see them. We hugged, I visited, ministered in the Word and in song....passed out YOLO tracts and they were so receptive!
Even the ones in their cars heard the Word. One young man recorded me as I sang and said, "I'm gonna spread this on the internet!" I told him he could have let me put on some make up first! JK! It was a blessing!
Sinnickson St: Sang to some small children, Yes Jesus loves me!" Their mother's were open to the gospel.
Everyone was invited to church August 24th. Cleaning the church....clearing the cobwebs and polishing Soul Saving Center up for service!
So many said they were coming....and I will stay in the streets even after Soul Saving Center re-opens.
This week: Gotta order more tracts and make flyers announcing service at Soul Saving Center!
And clean Soul Saving Center!
Please Pray for this Outreach Ministry!
There are So many things to be thankful for! As God continues to answer prayer, it was with a heart full of faith and joy that I went to work in the Vineyard in Salem, NJ tonight.
Hubel Ave: A family that I grew up with was having a BBQ for a family member's birthday. One friend there shared how my dad saved her life from a horrible mistake. My dad comes up a lot in the street. My Hero....We hugged and there was one of the sisters whose alcoholism is slowly killing her. I rebuked the demon of alcohol from her life in Jesus' mighty name! Sang and ministered to the family.
I met some kids on the playground. Shared Jesus with them and gave them each a YOLO tract. One of them asked if we could pray for their families and their all 11 of us held hands in the playground as I first lead them to Jesus and then we prayed for protection for every family represented there. It was beautiful!
7th St: Spoke with a group of guys who listened intently and respectfully as I sang, preached and prayed for them....they accepted YOLO tracts and some knew who I was....they thanked me for sharing God's love with them. Smiling and one guy telling me they knew I was for real cause they felt it. What they felt was God ministering to their hearts!
Walnut St: A group of young teenage girls one pushing a baby in a stroller. I began to share Jesus with them, some laughed and walked away. I sang for them, they were giggling and looking at each other....I began to give them the Word in a sobering manner....I spoke to them about decisions they could make that could wreck their lives and how God has awesome plans for them. I talked to them about how music opened doors for me. Half of them remained but this happens....The ones who remained were ready for the gospel.....I could see it in their responses. They were beautiful young ladies and my heart is filled with love for them. I just wanted to hug them all. I will visit them again. I continued to see them every where after I left them, just roaming the streets.
Further down the street, on porch sat 4 young men....very hardcore looking young guys. They let me know they were Muslims. I told them about my time in Bosnia where the majority of the people were Muslim and I have friends there today. I asked them to turn down their music because I wanted to sing for them...they did and after I sang, they clapped for me. I gave them YOLO tracts and one guy thanked me and said he liked what I said to the young girls, he was listening. I told them before I left that they didn't have to live in fear....that God's perfect Love casts out all fear....the young men fear getting's a reality in Salem lately.
East Broadway: in front of the liquor store I gave out YOLO tracts and shared the gospel. Met a guy who was a backslider...I told him that the devil was lying to him....he should come back to Jesus now! Today is the day of salvation! He said he knew....and I knew he knew.
Union St: sang to one young man....and shared the gospel....when I left him, he was smiling.
Olive St: Ministering on Olive St was like meeting up with people I knew from the past. It was so good to see them. We hugged, I visited, ministered in the Word and in song....passed out YOLO tracts and they were so receptive!
Even the ones in their cars heard the Word. One young man recorded me as I sang and said, "I'm gonna spread this on the internet!" I told him he could have let me put on some make up first! JK! It was a blessing!
Sinnickson St: Sang to some small children, Yes Jesus loves me!" Their mother's were open to the gospel.
Everyone was invited to church August 24th. Cleaning the church....clearing the cobwebs and polishing Soul Saving Center up for service!
So many said they were coming....and I will stay in the streets even after Soul Saving Center re-opens.
This week: Gotta order more tracts and make flyers announcing service at Soul Saving Center!
And clean Soul Saving Center!
Please Pray for this Outreach Ministry!
Sunday, August 10, 2014
A promise from Ezekiel 36 over Salem, NJ....And over the lives of some that I am interceding for....
33 “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On the day I cleanse you from all your sins, I will resettle your towns, and the ruins will be rebuilt. 34 The desolate land will be cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass through it. 35 They will say, “This land that was laid waste has become like the garden of Eden; the cities that were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited.” 36 Then the nations around you that remain will know that I the Lord have rebuilt what was destroyed and have replanted what was desolate. I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.’
33 “‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: On the day I cleanse you from all your sins, I will resettle your towns, and the ruins will be rebuilt. 34 The desolate land will be cultivated instead of lying desolate in the sight of all who pass through it. 35 They will say, “This land that was laid waste has become like the garden of Eden; the cities that were lying in ruins, desolate and destroyed, are now fortified and inhabited.” 36 Then the nations around you that remain will know that I the Lord have rebuilt what was destroyed and have replanted what was desolate. I the Lord have spoken, and I will do it.’
Today my best friend, prayer partner and love of my life prayerwalked with me. We ran across some young men and one's face in particular has stayed with us. God won't let either one of us forget him. I felt the evil in him although he was respectful, there was a strong presence there. I had been praying to run into the soul that was nearest hell and I believe I met him today. We're constantly and continually praying for him because what a beautiful testimony he will have when Jesus comes into his life. Pray for the young man on Hubel Ave. God knows who you mean.
Blessings. #GodlovesSalem
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Thank you Lord for all you did
tonight in Salem. I know you love this town and there is not one soul that you
would see perish, but you are calling them to repentance and a new life in you.
After praying and reading Jeremiah
3:22: “Return, faithless people; I will cure you of backsliding.” “Yes, we will
come to you, for you are the LORD our God” I wasn’t sure why I was lead to read
this but…..
I set out for the streets….praying
for every step to be lead of The Lord, I came across a woman who grew up in the
same church as I did before The Lord called my father to ministry. I asked her
if she ever thought about the Word she heard as a child. She said “All the
time.” She told me she was a great-grandmother now and I told her about
Jeremiah 3:22. I talked to her intently and told her she had to come back to
Jesus so her grandchildren and great grandchildren would come to know Jesus is
real and they too would be saved. I sang for her and a neighbor heard me and
asked me to sing for her. I did and she began to cry.
After meeting up with Bill Dawkins,
we ministered to so many together and separately…groups of 7, groups of 8, a
group of children and individuals both African American and White (just what I
prayed for for Soul Saving Center) We asked if we could pray for them all said
yes. A group of children came to The Lord and also the woman who went and
brought them to me….they all became born again Believers tonight.
After ministering to one group of
people in song and the Word, a guy there told us he was not Christian but Bill
Dawkins began to share the word with him and i looked over my shoulder as I was
with the group of children and the guy was helping Bill pass out YOLO tracts!
God is so Amazing!!!
Further down Broadway a young girl
said she used to be a Christian….another backslider….I couldn’t tell her enough
about how much God loved her! How He never left her! She gave her heart back to
Jesus on Broadway! Praise our God! He is mighty to save!
No resistance to the gospel….high,
drunk or just plain lost….People here want hope! They want peace and Jesus said
he would do the drawing if we lift him up!
Please pray for everyone who
encounters the gospel that no soul is lost!
July 19, 2014
All I can say is my God is
Thank you All for your prayers for
SSC! God hears!!
Praying while driving throughout
Salem trying to cover all the territory I could cover….feeling like, “it’s only
And starting to feel small…I went back to SSC to pray. I had been feeling very small and insignificant…but then the Word kicked in….all of the scriptures:
And starting to feel small…I went back to SSC to pray. I had been feeling very small and insignificant…but then the Word kicked in….all of the scriptures:
Deuteronomy 32:30 How should one
chase a thousand, And two put ten thousand to flight, Except their Rock had
sold them, And Jehovah had delivered them up?
Psalm 18:29 For by thee I run upon a
troop; And by my God do I leap over a wall.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things
through Christ[a] who strengthens me.
This is the scripture some guy on
the street quoted to me….and urged me to keep on praying and preaching to them!
That was amazing but that’s not all
of it!!!!
I was singing to a huge group of men
and women and giving them the gospel and a group of children around 10-13
children gathered around. One had been hurt and I asked if I could pray for
her. She said yes and then I asked them if they would like to sing with me…
We sang “Yes, Jesus Loves Me”. And
then one of them said “Do you know There Is Power in the Name of Jesus?” So
there we are on Broadway between Ninth St. And Johnson St. …singing Break every
chain!!!! I taught it to most of them and they caught on fast! People started
gathering around us! I even taught them how to put that growl in their voice
when they sang “Break!”
So afterwards I asked them if they
wanted to start a choir? They were so excited!!! “YES!!!” So next Saturday at
6pm. We are meeting @ SSC!
Soul Saving Center has a choir!!!
I had begun to ask God how do I
reach these people? There are so many…’s just me…
What did I learn?!? This is His
Work!!! I obeyed His call on my life and He’s making me, molding me and
teaching me that it’s not by might, nor by power but by my Spirit saith The
Lord of Host!!!
He’s got a plan….it’s unfolding
little by little….this is a true walk of faith.
I’m more than excited!!!
And just wait until I report how God
supplied all our needs according to. His riches in glory!!! Can’t wait!!!
Up early this morning reflecting on
the faces of those who received tracts, those who declined, those who asked for
prayer, the one who asked Jesus into his heart…
Started out at SSC praying and
praising God for everything He would do in the streets, for SSC and through
this church!
Prayer Walking:
Olive St is now very active with young people hanging out everywhere. Many tracts given out. People reminded how much God wants to “Get all up in their personal lives… He created them with the need for Him and when they try to fill that space with anything besides Him, they are never satisfied! What they are looking for is Jesus”.
Olive St is now very active with young people hanging out everywhere. Many tracts given out. People reminded how much God wants to “Get all up in their personal lives… He created them with the need for Him and when they try to fill that space with anything besides Him, they are never satisfied! What they are looking for is Jesus”.
So many people know my Dad, he
really paved the way for me to connect with people in the streets! (Another
reason he is my hero)
Union St and Magnolia Sts: young
children practicing dancing… Talked to them to find out how much they knew
about Jesus…. They knew about Jesus and said they asked Him into their hearts…
Talked to them about always praying about everything and God has great plans
ahead for them.
Another group of children: sang for them and they were surprised! Most knew about Jesus, gave them a talk about Running to God about everything!
Another group of children: sang for them and they were surprised! Most knew about Jesus, gave them a talk about Running to God about everything!
The Horseshoe tournament: people
gathered there and some looked as if one more drink or drug could be their
last…. Gave many tracts out, someone needed prayer and all were receptive to
the gospel…
To those who we met during the
prayer walk who refused to accept or listen, God said to say “Jesus is still
Lord of all, and you will face Him one day… Meet Him in peace, don’t die
without Jesus!”.
West Side: people everywhere! Gave
the gospel to a young man while he rolled his joint, God made him stop and
Meant a young man I had witnessed to before, he said, “I feel better when I see you!”. He was ready to give his heart to Jesus and we lead him to Jesus! (Angels rejoiced in the Westside!)
Meant a young man I had witnessed to before, he said, “I feel better when I see you!”. He was ready to give his heart to Jesus and we lead him to Jesus! (Angels rejoiced in the Westside!)
Carpenter Sts and surrounding areas:
Have the gospel to many sitting on their porches and ran out of tracts!
Back out today: it’s Sunday… Gotta
take church to them…
Pray for the people in this town….
Young people staring back at me with hazy eyes deeply disturbs me! The devil
cannot have them!
There is power in the name of Jesus
to break every chain!
This evening as I went about passing
out tracts, singing to groups of people (when I felt The Lord leading me) and
talking to people about Jesus; I encountered some people who told me they were
not Christian, some people who were high and a great number of young girls
whose image consciousness made them a little more resistant than they would had
it been a smaller group…so The Lord had me sing….they quieted down and
I encountered that same glassy hazy
eyed look from some people…I had to rebuke the devil in Jesus Name so they
could hear me. Sometimes I felt resistance, Sometimes I felt acceptance of the
gospel. It really became clear to me although I already knew….this is a WAR!
The devil is defeated, he’s defeated
and Jesus is the Victor!!!
God used “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” to minister to one group. I didn’t know I was going to sing that until it came out.
God used “Nothing But the Blood of Jesus” to minister to one group. I didn’t know I was going to sing that until it came out.
Someone got shot on another street
while I was out there.
But after sharing the gospel with a
group of men, I turned to continue walking and one of the young men yelled out
to me, “thank you for caring!” I turned around and put my hand over my heart
and said, “I love you and God loves you!”
I went back to the church to pray to
thank The Lord for everything He is doing!
Pray for Walnut St.
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I just came in from preaching in the streets Union Street in Salem to be exact. And I can still feel the anointing all over me! There we...
Tonight while returning home, I missed my street and I drove passed Soul Saving Center. There sitting on the wall in front of the church ...
SOUL SAVING CENTER STREET JOURNAL JULY 16, 2015 "Oh it is Jesus, Yes it is's Jesus...