Friday, August 26, 2011

Spreading Love and Hope in Bosnia

Bringing Hope and Love to Bosnia Slide

So Why did I travel to Swaziland?

So Why Did I Travel to Swaziland1

Monday, May 2, 2011

Searching for God

Psalms 105:4

I was in Bihac, Bosnia having my daily devotions when the Lord gave me this verse:

"Search for the Lord, and for His strengthm, continually seek Him."

I'm in the back yard of the church called the "Pink House" in Bihac on August 7, 2010 and this scripture jumps out at me....

Today is May 2, 2011 and all this past week the Lord has reminded me of this scripture....Search for the Lord...

1 Chronicles 16:11; "Seek The Lord, His Presence And Strength Continually.

"1 Thes. 5:17 Pray without ceasing."

Just a few more scriptures that tie in with what the Lord wants from me.

One thing I know is that the Lord will meet you where you are and bring you all the way! He's got a plan for us and all we have to do is surrender and He will show us great and mighty things!

Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’

I'm taking God at His Word And I want everything and I do mean everything that God has for me!!!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Daniel Fast Dinner Creation: Quinoa Stir Fry

I made this dish by the seat of my pants and it's wonderful!!!

Starting with making the Quinoa (pronouced Keen-wah) According to instructions on the box. (you make it like Rice or grits)

kale (my new best friend)chopped
red peppers
chopped dates for a hint of sweetness
Fire roasted tomatoes from Trader Joes
Cannaloni beans
Spices: Herbs De Province. (got it first in France, found it at Whole Foods) a little lemon juice (brightens the flavors....
Tofurkey (Italian Tofu Sausage) (sliced like pepperoni)
Sauted everything on the stove....
Add Quinoa and mix throughly.

My Daniel Fast Creations

The wrap: put the brown rice tortilla over the hot stove for a few seconds to brown
saute: onion, pepper, garlic, grape tomatoes, kale (chopped), Tofu, (season with garlic salt, fresh cracked pepper, Herbs De Province, Balsamic (just a touch) Lemon juice, olive oil (so stuff won't stick and for flavor)

Spread garlic hummus on the tortilla, chop some kale up in small pieces, place on top of hummus, add saute, shred some carrots, bean sprouts and top with pumpkin seeds....

The Irv Grip!