I parked my car and walked up to a group of guys and one guy I have shared the gospel with before had on "Dallas Cowgirls" attire. I had to tell him that because I loved Jesus I was going to hug him. Another guy said, "Uh Oh, that's an Eagles Fan!" He didn't know me and we laughed at the way you can spot us as fans.
We talked and I shared the gospel with them....one guy stood a bit off to the side, but he listened. I explained to them that they may have every intention of 2017 being a good year! Their year to do something with their lives, but they devil has other plans for them....and unless they have Jesus as Lord of their lives, unless they have accepted Him and repented of their sins, they are still a slave to sin and therefore, slaves of the devil.....He knows the only weapon we have is Jesus...and the devil, he even believes it! I told them they can't win with the devil because he is a spirit but He knows if we have Jesus in our lives, if we believe on the Lord and receive Him in their hearts that the devil would fear the God in them. I told them how I gain victory over his plots against my life through the very name of Jesus! I talked about how much God loves them....How much He loves Salem.
I continued to give the Word and one of the guys, said, "She got me crying over here...." It was God revealing His truth to this man.
I invited them to church tonight and all the rest too. I had introduced myself and talked to them about my Dad....and why I was out there....there's always someone who confirms my Dad's ministry to the streets.....and they know what I am doing out there.....
I praise God that they may not come to church tonight but they got the Word today!
Happy New Year!