God is probably getting a good chuckle out of this whole thing. When I was a student at Zion Bible College, I refused to go to missionary prayers because I did not want God to call me to some remote village and I just figured if I began to pray for missions, that God would give me a burden and I'd be compelled to go! Well, years and years later....the foolish young girl has matured into a woman who will go where He leads me....who knew? :-)
Well, it's Saturday morning and as I woke up, piddled around, had my devotions, contemplated the missions trip to Rome and Bosnia, I am prayerful and hopeful about the outcome of my trip as I take missions back to my church in order to strengthen our ability to reach out to the lost in the community where the church is situated. There is a reason the Lord planted that church there in Salem, NJ. There are people that will come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior there in that church! I want to be an instrument and a catalyst of change and growth in this ministry.
And so I pray about my future at my job, Living in Philadelphia and going to church in Salem, NJ is not the best way to establish groundwork for all that has to be done, so I believe God will use me beyond my job and I believe the work is going to be hard work but it will require my attention and time. God will make a way for me to do just that. This is His work and I leave all of the questions to Him. I trust Him to work it all out.
Location location location! My husband is praying and waiting on God to lead him to lead us as to where and how we should go about "being there" for the people we want to reach for Jesus. And then there is "Time With" and that will happen only as we are in the right location to have access to those who we will effect for the kingdom of God.
Wow....this missions trip is going to change my life! I'm looking forward to what I will learn, who I will affect, growth, challenges and changes....I'm reading my materials, preparing for my missions trip through praying in alignment with the guidelines that are given to each team member who is going on this trip.
I met one team member yesterday who was in Philadelphia for a conference. She's a teacher in Harrisburg. We went to Maggiano's Little Italy for dinner just to get to know each other since we're going to be spending two weeks together sweating and working for Jesus! Praise God!
I'm going to round up my support prayer team because I'll need it
Some people have donated money and blessed my endeavor and I am so very grateful!
I intend to bring everything that I learn there back to my community and use it to bring more people to Jesus! In His Name I work for Him!
Here's what I need you to pray about:
Lives to be changed as a result of my missions trip
Divine appointments to share the gospel
For God to be glorified through my service on this trip
Protection in traveling
Good Health
God Bless You!