Soul Saving Center is a wonderful place to pray, prepare for tomorrow's message, enjoy quiet time with the Lord. I love it!!!
But today before going in I saw a group of young men sitting on steps across Broadway so I put my tote down and walked over. One guy was talking about how someone was about put a gun in his face but something warned him to turn around....I listened to his story and then asked him what was that something that warned him? He responded, " Oh no, not that....I know it was God I was raised to be a Christian...". Then he proceeded to tell me who was Muslim in the group and they probably don't want to hear this....Still I gave the Message of God's Love and why He sent His only Son.
One Muslim stood up and mumbled something to me, I asked him what he said, he said, "Why are you lifting Jesus above God?" And walked away....I never got to answer him.....
Now here's the good part....
I went back to the church to pray and I kept hearing "There is no other name under heaven, whereby men can be saved, other than the name of Jesus!
I said "Lord he's gone... You want me to go back out there? ". All the while I'm walking back outside and I see him sitting on the steps....I prayed, "Lord if you want me to tell him this, when he sees me coming towards him, don't let him move.".
He didn't move...
I told him I just finished praying for him and I said, "The Lord told me to tell you this... There is No Other Name Under Heaven Whereby Men Can Be Saved...Other Than The Name Of Jesus! He is the ONLY WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. I then left and walked back across the street to the church....
I wonder what Jesus is doing over there now? #AngelsAreBusy
But today before going in I saw a group of young men sitting on steps across Broadway so I put my tote down and walked over. One guy was talking about how someone was about put a gun in his face but something warned him to turn around....I listened to his story and then asked him what was that something that warned him? He responded, " Oh no, not that....I know it was God I was raised to be a Christian...". Then he proceeded to tell me who was Muslim in the group and they probably don't want to hear this....Still I gave the Message of God's Love and why He sent His only Son.
One Muslim stood up and mumbled something to me, I asked him what he said, he said, "Why are you lifting Jesus above God?" And walked away....I never got to answer him.....
Now here's the good part....
I went back to the church to pray and I kept hearing "There is no other name under heaven, whereby men can be saved, other than the name of Jesus!
I said "Lord he's gone... You want me to go back out there? ". All the while I'm walking back outside and I see him sitting on the steps....I prayed, "Lord if you want me to tell him this, when he sees me coming towards him, don't let him move.".
He didn't move...
I told him I just finished praying for him and I said, "The Lord told me to tell you this... There is No Other Name Under Heaven Whereby Men Can Be Saved...Other Than The Name Of Jesus! He is the ONLY WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE. I then left and walked back across the street to the church....
I wonder what Jesus is doing over there now? #AngelsAreBusy